Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cottage Cheese Ideas

Lowfat cottage cheese from Sam's- 1/2 cup serving size- 12 g protein, 90 calories (watch the sodium, though)

-  small salad with c.c., salt and pepper
-  peaches, fresh or canned in juice
-  pineapple, fresh or canned in juice if possible
-  mix with yogurt and blend in food processor until smooth, filling and gets rid of the c.c. texture issue  :)
-  c.c. with hamburger patty
-  pears and a cherry  :)
-  sunflower seeds, pine nuts, soy nuts
-  salsa
-  fresh tomatoes
-  berries and wheat germ to make a 'breakfast sundae'
-  honey mustard pretzel bits
-  tuna and wheat crackers

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